At King James's School, we accept payments online for items such as dinner money, school trips, uniform etc. using a secure website called ParentPay.
ParentPay allows you to pay online using your credit/debit card. It is easy to use and will offer you the freedom to make online payments whenever and where ever you like, safe in the knowledge that the technology uses the highest internet security available and that funds reach the academy safely.
For ParentPay you will have a secure online account, which you will access by using your unique username and password. Once you activate your account, you will be prompted to create your own username and password which you must keep safe for future use. If you have two or more children at school, you only need to activate one account as your ‘main account’ and then add your other children via the add a child tab on the home page.
To activate your account please login to, go to the account login area on the homepage and enter the username and password you have received previously. Once you have activated your account, you can make online payments straight away and ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date.