King James's School

Character Curriculum


Our Character Curriculum is designed to establish clear standards/routines/behaviour norms expected of all (staff and students) around school during lessons/social times:

  1. Reflect our core values and ethos, so all stakeholders are clear as to ‘how we do things around here.’
  2. Outline the offer we provide to each of our key stakeholders in order to deliver our expectations, routines and the King James’s Way.
  3. Set out the standards, routines, behaviour and character ‘norms’ we expect of all our staff and students inside and outside of the classroom.
  4. Set out the standards and routines we expect from the school community during social times i.e. break and lunches.


It is delivered through three approaches:

Character Curriculum & the Tutor Time Programme: Culture
Character Curriculum & Pastoral: Attendance and Behaviour
Character Curriculum & Faculties: Routines


  • Character Curriculum & the Tutor Time Programme: Culture ... addresses how the tutor time and assembly programme will promote and support key messages
  • Character Curriculum & Pastoral: Attendance and Behaviour ... sets out key expectations and means of communication with staff, students and their parents
  • Character Curriculum & Faculties: Routines ... addresses key behaviours in class time and lesson routines for learning

Read more about:

  • Character Curriculum & the Tutor Time Programme: Culture here
  • Character Curriculum & Pastoral: Attendance and Behaviour here
  • Character Curriculum & Faculties: Routines here