King James's School

Our 2022 - 2023 tutor time programme

Our tutor time programme is delivered every morning during registration:

ASSEMBLIES take place every week when we welcome staff, students and visitors to lead a group focus.

CURRENT AFFAIRS are recognised as being very important and it is vital that our students are kept up to date with events. We also include a focus on literacy while looking at what is happening locally, nationally and internationally.

KJ WAY refers to the King James's Way and focuses on themes relating to our values and commitments.

POWER OF 2 is run by Mrs Baddock in the Maths department and she organises peer support for students struggling with Maths.

PP16 stands for Preparation for Post 16. Our key stage 4 students work hard in tutor time to prepare for life after King James's School

READING and literacy is of huge importance and we encourage our students to develop a love of reading.

WEEKLY STUDENT REVIEW is a time for tutors to catch up with their tutees and discuss updates in terms of achievement points and to offer support for any issues.

Please email Abbi Terry on if you have any questions or queries about our tutor time programme