King James's School

Guided Pathways 2023 - 2024

In the first three years at King James’s school, all students follow the same compulsory programme of study.

However, in Year 9, students are given the opportunity to make a number of choices regarding the subjects and the types of courses they wish to study in Years 10 and 11. As this is the first time students will have had chance to specialise their preferred course of study, there are some very important decisions to be made.

At King James’s School, we make a clear commitment to excellence and we pride ourselves on the provision of a personalised curriculum designed to meet the needs of all our students. Our offer allows all students to achieve academically and socially in their GCSE years and beyond. To achieve this, we provide a variety of curriculum ‘pathways’. Every student follows a designated ‘Gate’, which is focused on providing a clear route to appropriate levels of study and preparation for future education, employment or training.


The Guided Pathway booklet looks in detail at each subject offered at King James’s. It also highlights the topic areas covered within each subject, how each subject will be assessed, and possible future progression routes to which it could lead.

It is important that careful consideration is given to each course and that preference subjects are selected carefully. The choices students make now can open or close doors in the future and it is important that you take the time with your child to read through the information and guidance ensuring they make choices which will maximise their future education and career prospects.


 Getting GCSE Ready - Summer 2024

We recognise the transition between KS3 and KS4 is a big change for our students. As most students are excited about starting their chosen subjects, we thought that it may be helpful for them to complete some gentle prep work for September. With  lockdown having such an impact on our children's education over these past eighteen months, we are hoping that these light taster tasks may help stimulate your child in help getting them GCSE Ready for September. Please note these tasks are for optional subjects only. 

Click here to access our Getting GCSE Ready 

Important Dates and information for Pathways 2023-2024

Taster lessons – W/C Mon 6.11.23 - Fri 22.12.23

 Pathways Evening - Thu 07.12.23

Year 9 Exams - W/C Mon 11.12.23

Individual student meetings* to review subject choices - W/C 22.1.24

Pathway gates to students  & Progress Reviews - W/C 15.1.24

Year 9 Parents’ Evening - TBC

Completed forms handed to tutors – W/C 4.3.24

Student choices verified - By Spring Bank Holiday

Please click on the subjects below to view a short subject video clip for each subject area to provide with more detail about what each subject is like to study at KS4.