King James's School

Home Learning @King James's

YEAR 1/2 HOME LEARNING | Fell Dyke Primary School

Home Learning is a key aspect of learning in the 21st century, whether it be as a result of school closure, student absence or extended learning.

Please find below three documents regarding remote learning at King James's School:

Sprax GCSE Pod Lexia

Educake To access email and Onedrive Linguascope


If your child is well, then work will be sent to them via Microsoft Teams from all their subject teachers, and there will be an expectation that work is being completed by students at home.

The vast majority of the work will be a continuation of what they would be covering had they been in normal lessons in school.

Not all lessons will be conducted as live lessons; staff will use the best method which in their professional opinion is best for the students. Remote learning can be covered in a number of ways such as recorded PowerPoints by staff, assignments on MS Teams, Online platforms such as Educake, Hegarty Maths and Oak Academy. The logistics and technological complications of teaching students both in the room and at home cannot always guarantee a high-quality lesson which can be delivered in a different format. 

How should my child receive work from school? Microsoft Teams will be used to upload evidence of work and provide feedback on learning as much as possible under the current circumstances.
How do I access Teams?

Teams Student Guide:

Downloading Teams onto Phone:

How to download Microsoft Office 365? All students can download Microsoft Office 365 for free. Please click here for instructions on how to download
Important update for Live Lessons All Live Lessons will have a default setting to put students in a waiting lobby so they cannot start the lesson without a teacher being present. The teacher will admit them to the lesson at the start. All students must be present at the start of the lesson. Students joining a live lesson late may not be admitted as the teacher cannot guarantee they can break off from teaching to admit them.
What should I do if my child needs support with the work, or needs more work? 
Your child will need to contact the teacher directly if additional support or more work is needed. This can be done by emailing subject specific staff using the school email. 



Online packages

King James's School uses Sparx Maths to provide a personalised Maths homework, proven to boost student grades Sparx