The health and wellbeing of everyone in the King James’s School community is something that we take very seriously. As a school we have presented our good practice locally at Northorpe Hall and regionally at Leeds Beckett University.
What we do for students - we have:
- a full-time Welfare Officer (Mrs Atkinson)
- a full-time Wellbeing Mentor (Mrs Norton)
- a PSHCE curriculum that includes units of work on physical health, sexual health and mental health.
- exam stress workshops for students struggling with exams.
- a Student Support Centre with Thrive trained staff to support our most vulnerable students
- a core group of Senior Students who focus on health and wellbeing in order to develop new strategies and ideas and represent student voice.
- close links with Kirklees Keep in Mind (mental health support team)
Find out more here
Our wellbeing team:
- Liz Atkinson - Wellbeing officer
- Yvonne Day - ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant)
- Janine Dean - SSC Manager and Thrive Practitioner
- Carol-Anne Lockwood - human resources lead
- Sarah Norton - Wellbeing mentor
- Abbi Terry - Assistant Principal and Senior Mental Health Lead
- Abi Williams - ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant) and SEMH/Thrive Mentor
Mental Health First Aiders:
- Sammie Kerrod
- Nile Liburd
- Carol-Anne Lockwood
- Chris Mahoney
- Abi Williams
- Jo Williams
What we do for parents and carers - we have:
- a large Pastoral team consisting of Pastoral Leaders and Assistant Pastoral leaders. They are non teaching, full staff members of staff.
- 'Spotlight on' focus, which is shared with parents via the weekly bulletin
- Termly Wellbeing newsletter written by our staff Wellbeing Champions. Previous newsletters have included features on Intervention at KJS: Intervention therapy; Bereavement; Movember; Time to Talk Day and 6 Weeks of Well-Being
Useful health and wellbeing links for parents and carers:
- Heads together
- Mental Health Foundation
- Mind
- NHS – Every mind matters
- Thriving Kirklees
- Young Minds help for parents
Read more here
If you have any questions or queries, please contact Mrs Terry on staff.aterry@kingjames.school